Interview with Priscilla's Bookshelf for Paranormal in Color Book Fair
(It was a multiple author event. Here's my interview from that day:)
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Up next is author Kish Knight. Everyone lets give her a warm welcome. If you have any questions about her work and or writing journey please ask them here.
Kish Knight, a teen and new adult paranormal fantasy author, was born and raised in the US Virgin Islands. Seeking out the supernatural, she relocated to Savannah, Ga. for the ghost, ghouls, and old-world charm. After reveling in the Southern ghosts, she took residence in the DC area and met a new set of city spooks.
When not at her desk, she's most likely to be found with a book (nose-deep), romping with her 8 dogs (7 pits and 1 Chihuahua mix), or plotting out ways to take over the world (or at least the book market). Her current round of busywork always involves developing a plethora of design documents for her latest e-book series.
Kish also writes middle-grade novels under the pen name of Cher Cabal. She is the author of the Returned novel series: Resurrection, Hellbound, and Dawning, as well as the expanded compilation, Returned to Fire; the Dead-End Ave series: The Shelf and The Shelf 2; the Senior Year series: Geek - Boy Equals.... and Geek to Diva in 20 seconds; and also of the middle grade novel, Our Crew PLUS boys!. Visit her at kisknight.com.
Kish Knight : Hello!
Kish Knight : If I can give a quick, quirky intro....I'm Kish Knight, young and new adult paranormal author. (I'm addicted to rainbow sherbert, doggies, orange juice, and kayaking. . Being a popular writer has been the end goal from age 3, but it may take a lifetime to get there!)
Kish Knight : About writing, though, I debuted as a young adult author (POC main characters typically), and have since moved into the New Adult genre.
Kish Knight : Though I also craft contemporary fiction, I LOVE paranormal novels, and tend to write mainly that genre.
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Thank you for sitting down with us today.
Kish Knight : Thank you for having me.
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight what first inspired you to write?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight how many books do you have published?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight which book do you recommend to new to you readers?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight where do you see your writing career going?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Do you see your books in film someday?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight That sound like it's going to be amazing. Best of luck
Kish Knight : Priscilla's Bookshelf thanks so much!
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight who was your favorite character to write?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight is there anything else you want your readers to know about you?
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight where can readers find your books?
Kish Knight : Please follow me on Amazon Author Central .... https://www.amazon.com/Kish-Knight/
Priscilla's Bookshelf : Kish Knight how can readers reach out to you?
Kish Knight : All links are on my website…. www.kishknight.com Young Adult Fantasy | Kish Knight
Kish Knight : Also, comment below to enter my Paranormal in Color Giveaway! Winner gets an autographed paperback copy of my novel, Returned to Fire.
Kish Knight : Thank you for this opportunity!